Singing Guide: Tegan and Sara

Singing Guide: Tegan and Sara

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Tegan and Sara are Canadian indie-pop icons most famous for their unique and raw vocal harmonization. They sing together in perfect unison, creating standout choruses and evoking a strong emotional response from the listener.

To learn how to sing like Tegan and Sara, you need to focus on their signature style of tight harmonization, emotional delivery, and precise but understated vocal control. Here are some tips and resources that will help you achieve this:

  1. Listen and study Tegan and Sara's music: You can learn a lot from listening to their songs carefully and paying attention to how they use their voices. Notice how they weave their vocals together and how they create emotional intensity in their delivery. Use Singing Carrots' song search tool to study their songs.

  2. Focus on breath control: Mastering breath control is key to singing like Tegan and Sara. You should focus on breath support, diaphragmatic breathing and active-passive breathing. Learn more about breath support in this article.

  3. Improve your vocal range: Vocal range is hugely important in singing like Tegan and Sara. Enhance your vocal range with Singing Carrots' vocal range test.

  4. Practice speaking exercises: Exercises that focus on articulation can help you to form your words and phrases more sharply. An exercise like the finger bite described in this article can help sharpen your articulation.

  5. Create harmonies: Harmonization is one of Tegan and Sara's signature vocal techniques. Learn about voice register and voice break techniques in this article and practice this video to create harmony with your vocal range. You can use the pitch monitor tool within Singing Carrots' platform to achieve this here.

  6. Work on your emotions: Tegan and Sara's unique style is partly due to their ability to connect emotionally with their songs. Learn about singing with intensity and emotion in this article. Tegan and Sara convey emotion through their music, characters and lyrics, and you can learn to do so as well.

In conclusion, Tegan and Sara's vocal style is focused on tight harmonies, emotional delivery, precise vocal control, with breath control support. If you follow these tips and utilize the provided Singing Carrots resources, you can learn how to sing like Tegan and Sara and perfect your own unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.